Treehugger is a blog that consists of a wide range of posts regarding informational and inspirational ideas regarding the environment and oneself. The topics help provide insight on ways society can make the community better, gain happiness and fulfillment, and even the latest innovations in other countries.
The "green" topics this blog dives into categories revolving around design, living, science, technology, transportation, business, and energy. With entries being posted every day, readers have an endless possibility of gaining insight on their most favorable environmentally friendly topics.

One motivational strategy that this blog utilizes is pathos with positivity. All the posts show was readers can not only make the environment better but themselves happier and healthier. From entries like "10 ways to get the most from walking", to "Are bicyclists the happiest commuters on the planet?", the idea of there being room for prosperity and evolvement is endless.
Another strategy is credibility. The information that is being shared with readers appears to be very factual and credible, often referencing issues happening in other countries, with sources to back up their claims. All the points being made to try and motivate readers to enact in the promotion of a Green Planet are explained by using real-life occurrences from the world around us.
Overall, I think this blog can appeal to just about anyone. Especially now with the virus rapidly spreading around, people care about maintaining their health and environment now more than ever. Readers seek ways to better themselves, the latest on environmental standings, and positive "real-life" stories that they can connect to. What is more heartwarming than learning how to save the planet?
Thank you so much for sharing this. As a adamant vegan, this blog seems to be meant for people like me. It is really good to see someone else in this group spreading a message of environmental consciousness I will definitely check out the blog.